We mentioned it before and it is finally time. Today we introduce a recurring series where we let you in on just what makes the 30K contributors tick.
We're kickin' off the 30Kmill Bios with none other than the Circle City's own, Downtown Marge. This sassy PR pro took the time to answer a few questions on what she does in Indy to keep it classy and budget friendly, all at the same time. Check it out! She's the bees knees.
My motto is: What's a motto you?
Childhood ambition: To be a Broadway star. Don't ask me to belt out "On My Own" - I WILL do it.
Favorite cocktail: Impossible to choose, but if I had to (and apparently I do), I'd say a classic G&T with tons of lime or if we're drinking beer (and I normally am) I'd say Oberon or Two Hearted Ale. I also thoroughly enjoy a mojito when I'm feelin' sassy.
Favorite place to grab a cocktail: Anywhere they're sellin', I'm buyin'.
Cheap eats: The most obvious of choices - Yats. It's the best. Period.
Cheap thrill: Butler basketball games, walking the Canal at night, lunch from Au Bon on the Circle
Favorite thing about Indy in the summer: The vibe, man! Everyone is in a great mood and ready to party. Other favorites include Symphony on the Prairie, outdoor concerts/movies, Race weekend, the list goes on.
Fav type of music:Contrary to popular belief I do listen to more than just Hip Hop, but it is probably my fav. Anything with soul that I can nod my head to is what I'm about.
Looking forward to this summer: Anything and everything, just get me outdoors!
On my days off you’ll find me: Downtown, obviously.
You might be surprised to know: I hate surprises. Seriously.
Favorite websites: facebook.com, foodnetwork.com, textsfromlastnight.com, postsecret.com, overheardinnewyork.com, cnn.com, theonion.com
Best advice anyone has given me: My dad gave me two great pieces advice about the opposite sex. 1) Don't try and change 'em and 2) You do the pickin'.
Favorite party memory: There is hands down, no way I could answer this question. But they always involve dancing, friends and a fair amount of quoteables.
Favorite way to be green: A wise man once said, "it's not easy being green." Or was that a frog? Either way, my fav way to be green is turn off my air/heat and open up my windows (when Indiana weather allows). This also makes for some excellent mood music, as I live directly across the street from the Chatterbox. God, I love being Downtown.
Favorite weekend morning spot after a night of parties: Karlie's couch with a cup of Costa Rican coffee, Taste Cafe, Cafe Patachou
Thirtythousanddollarmillionaire is: the JAM
DPs make me feel: Like I'm in the blue zone. Look it up.
Favorite recipe: Roast Lemon Chicken, Fall Pears - both simple, both delicious. Check, please.