"Dear Reader, There are three reasons why most people, although they have tried, won't keep a diary:
- Not every day is very eventful.
- It actually takes a lot of discipline.
(regarding 1 even more so). - In retrospect, many find what they have written quite embarrassing.-
Good luck, and thank you for your time. It's all yours."
-Philipp Keel
Here is what you can expect:
DATE: ____
Your day was : (choose only one)
( ) a good time , ( ) show time , ( ) a cold shower
Explain Why: _____
Instant gratification:
a. ripping up paper and throwing it into the basket
b. a vacant elevator standing by, going your way
c. slamming someone elses car door
d. sneezing
Your anger is quite something : ( ) Yes , ( ) No
A very naive thought: ________________
yes, i think i need one of these. ;)