Instead of laying your 'maters out to dry in this not-so-sunny not-so-dry weather, bake them! DISCLAIMER: This process takes a long time but is effortless and so worth it.
Step 1: Slice your tomatoes in half. If you are using anything larger than a Roma, make sure to cut them down to comparable size and take out a few seeds.
Step 2: Lay tomatoes skin down on a baking tray (I line mine with parchment paper for non-stickiness).

Step 3: Season them with a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper, and Italian spices.

Step 4: This is the long part. Set your oven at 150-200 (lowest setting possible) and leave them in there for 12-14 hours. I start mine in the evening and let them go through the night.
Step 5: Wake up to beautiful and tasty "sun-dried" tomatoes!

BONUS: They can be kept frozen for up to six months!!
Buh. Totally going to do this.