I am admittedly a rule follower. Call me vanilla, but I like structure and order. However, as summer has turned to fall (and fall will quickly be turning to winter), I'm reminded that there are a few seasonal fashion rules that I just love to break. Let the rebellion begin...
1. Never where black and brown together
I'm sure some of your are saying to yourself, "Seriously? That's a rule? 'Been breakin' it for years." Well just pat yourself on the back then and move along to number two. But for some of us, it's taken months, nah, years to retrain our minds and accept that brown and black are completely mixable and fabulous. For instance, today I'm sporting black dress pants, a shiny/skinny brown belt from J. Crew, a long gold necklace with blue beads and a gray turtleneck (told ya I was vanilla). Classic, but chic with my black booties from H&M.
2. Don't wear white after Labor Day
I think I can safely say that this rule has been abandoned for some time, but I just want to emphasis HOW ludicrous it is. For instance, winter whites were all the rage last year and I'm hoping they'll still be in come December '09. Pair a long, white dress coat with bright gloves and a beret for a distinctly girly, French look. Magnifique!
3. Socks with sandals are a major NO
This is a new fashion rule on the outs that I have still yet to break, but have every intention to once I find the perfect heels - ala Krystal from
ThisTimeTomorrow. Krystal, who is the author of one of my fav fashion blogs, masterfully displays the art of wearing socks with sandals, and isn't afraid to mix her blacks and browns. This might be a step out of your comfort zone, but be confident! Pull it off with a funky, hipster look like Krystal or go for a sweeter look pairing your kicks and socks with a 50's style day dress.
Viva la revolucion!